Friday, December 26, 2014

Tanzanian Christmas

So hi from Tanzania now.

It's been a bit of a different Christmas here! I spent Christmas Eve in Ruaha going on a game drive, seeing lions, elephants and lots of giraffs. An amazing day that was followed by Christmas Day with another game drive where an elephant came close to charging on the car I was in. Thankfully did survive Christmas and now back in Dar, trying to do some research, but as it is so hot the pool is very tempting.

Just wanted to write a quick note to say merry Christmas to everyone who are keeping up with my blog. I've reached past halfway to the 1000 mark so thank u all for being interested in what I am doing here and learning a bit more about Karamoja.

I'm currently doing more research into the mining activities in the region. It's always struck me as a bizarre idea that countries that are wealthy in minerals are often the poorest, well at least if you look at the developing world. Coming from a country like Norway I know the blessings that can come from natural resources and it's hard to understand what a curse minerals really can be. I know I have a lot more to learn about the mining industry in Karamoja, but reading reports like the one from the human rights watch and then the response from one of the companies DAO is interesting to say the least. There is no doubt in my mind that Karamoja holds a lot of wealth, for a company to like DAO to say they will invest 90 million USD mining in the region points towards that.

Anyways as I am writing on my phone due to the lack of normal internet I will sign off now. I hope everyone has a great Christmas and New Years and I look forward to what the new year will bring :)

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