Saturday, December 20, 2014

A little break

So it is getting closer to Christmas now and I have made it back to Kampala for a couple of days, before I am off to Tanzania. Kampala seems extremely hectic now compared to Moroto. I do like it though. Kampala will always feel as a sort of second home. The memories and the friends I have been lucky enough to have here will make sure it stays that way. So it is back to crazy boda boda’s, traffic jams and just so so many people everywhere!

Red Chilli Home Kampala :)

The ride down from Moroto was surprisingly easy, as I was lucky enough to get a ride with a UN vehicle heading to Mbale. Again the kindness of people in Uganda is amazing, and at the last minute everything came together, and as I’ve been a bit sick I was extremely grateful to miss out on the Gateway bus via Soroti.

I am trying to do some research now for a paper I am starting to write on the sustainability of pastoralism. I love the way Karimojong are so connected to their cattle and that their work and way of life is really who they are as people as well, so I think perhaps an important aspect for the future is to look at how pastoralism and the general way of life that this entails can coexist and thrive in a modern society. Because Karamoja will change. There is no doubt about that, but I don’t think that change has to be negative. Driving from Moroto to Nakapiripirit yesterday I got to experience the new road that the government has begun building in Karamoja, and it is very impressive when looking at the surrounding roads, and the rate of their progression is quite astonishing. A new road, if it connects all the way from Mbale, has the potential to bring many new opportunities to Karamoja.

So I will leave it at that today. I am unfortunately not feeling too great, so back to bed for some much needed rest now. Missing home today as Christmas is coming near, and Christmas to me will never really be Christmas without snow and my family close, but excited to be back in Tanzania and spend Christmas with some good food and lots and lots of research! Thanks KDF for giving me lots of work over the holidays ;)


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